Car Essentials for Mom

Everyone has essentials they can’t live without, but what about in your car? What items are absolutely necessary for you to keep in the car? This may vary a bit from parent to parent, and family to family. However, we’ve rounded up a list of car essentials we feel are must haves in the car!

Ayla Vac
Spills, crumbs, snacks…need we say more?! The Ayla Vac is so compact it can fit almost anywhere, which makes it easy to store in your car. The Ayla Vac also carries a powerful punch so it is picking up all the crumbs your little ones leave behind.

First Aid Kit
Bumps, scrapes, and bruises are bound to happen no matter where you are. Having a first aid kit on hand is a lifesaver! Many stores sell small portable kits that easily fit in your vehicle. Or, make your own with the first aid essentials you use most often. A fun bonus could be letting your kids pick the bandages in the kit!

Trash Can
Stockpiling trash in your vehicle is inevitable, especially with little ones! Having a bag or small, portable trash can will help keep the mess at bay! Plus, having a trash can will help keep food from being left behind in the car, thus preventing a smelly stench!

Sunscreen and Bug Spray
Sometimes in a rush to get out the door we forget the sunscreen or bug spray. Keeping these two essentials in the car can help negate itchy bug bites and sunburns. Plus, keeping the sunscreen on hand, in the car is a good reminder to reapply sunscreen often when playing out in the sun.
Bringing fresh water with you in the car is always a good idea, but having a few extra bottles of water stored in the vehicle can be lifesavers. Sometimes quick errands can run long, children can drink all their water, or someone has an injury that needs cleaning. Extra water bottles are always a great idea, especially during the hot weather.
Even if you don’t have a little one in diapers, wipes on hand are a game changer. Kids are still messy, no matter their age! Spills can happen or even stains! This is your reminder to keep an extra package of wipes in your car.

Picnic Blanket
Keeping a blanket in the car has saved this momma too many times to count! Sometimes in a rush to get out the door, a blanket is forgotten. Or an unplanned stop at a park, makes having a blanket in the car incredibly helpful.

Having a stash of a few nonperishable, essential snacks in the car can stop a meltdown waiting to happen! Let’s face it, sometimes outings run long or we didn’t pack enough snacks in the bag. Having a few extra snacks can be so helpful for those moments.
Emergency Road Kit
Regardless of parenthood or not, every vehicle should have an emergency roadside kit. Accidents and emergencies happen, it’s always a good idea to be prepared.
Between colds, allergies, and other illnesses having tissues onhand can save you from having a mess on your hand, that no one is looking forward to cleaning up after.
Change of Clothes
Having a change of clothes, in your vehicle, for your children is always a must! There are so many situations that can come up that require an extra change of clothes. In the summer, it is also a good idea to have swimsuits in the car. You never know when fun in the sun can quickly turn into needing a fresh set of clothes! Along the same lines as extra clothes, is keeping a few extra diapers in your car too.

Reusable Bag
A reusable bag can come in so handy! Whether it is for library books, trips to the farmers market, or “treasures” your child has brought home from your last outing. While we all wish we had more sets of hands, the reality is we don’t, save yourself a hassle and keep a reusable bag in your car!

Kids Entertainment
Now before you get too worried about what this necessity entails, let us explain! There’s no need to pack up every little game or toy to keep your child entertained. Many times kids can find entertainment in little things. Try thinking of small, easy to store items or toys your little one can play with. This might include: cars, a pencil and paper, a small action figure, or even some magnetic toys.
Go check your vehicle now and see what essentials you need to keep in it! Maybe this was a good reminder to update or replace items in your first aid kit, or to add an emergency roadside kit. While some of these necessities may not be the right fit for your family, we hope that there was something listed that you find to be a helpful addition to your car necessities!