Labor Day Activities for the Family

BBQ’s, pool parties, baseball games… These are all activities we think of when we think of Labor Day. And while we love these activities, we wanted to share a few fun crafts and activities that you can do with your kids to help teach them the meaning behind why we celebrate Labor Day. Check out these fun and easy activities that you can do with your kids this Labor Day weekend.
- Go on a family scavenger hunt. Check out this cute printable for some ideas or make up your own. Celebrate finishing by going out for ice cream as a family.
- Make a fun patriotic craft. We found this adorable patriotic lantern craft that is sure to be fun for kids of all ages. Take the time to teach kids the importance of all the different careers and individuals that make the country function together as a whole.
- Organize a career dress up day! Let the kids dress up in different career roles and pretend to play. This fosters a healthy imagination and also teaches them about responsibility at an early age.
- Make appreciation cards for the adult workers in their life. This can be their teachers, parents, the mail man, their piano teacher, whoever they would like! So many working adults, inside and outside the home affect the lives of children every day. Give your kids ideas on how to express gratitude but also let them create the card in their own words. A fun activity to do as a family to help foster gratitude. Don't forget to deliver the cards!
- Check out some books at the library teaching about different professions! There are so many books that tell stories about firefighters, visiting the doctor, athletes, astronauts, veterinarians, construction workers. Let them go with you and browse which books are most interesting to them. Find a few of our favorites here, here, here, and here!