Mom's Self-Care Resolutions: Why You Need to Prioritize Yourself

Having and raising children can be fulfilling, rewarding, and joyful - but it can also be hard, thankless, or all-consuming. A casualty of being in the trenches of parenthood is losing free time. Parents, especially mothers, still need time for themselves, it’s not selfish but respecting your needs. Prioritizing time for self-care is so important. Don’t push yourself to burnout, or you’ll find motherhood much harder than it already was. Here are some ways to make self-care for yourself a priority in your life.
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Don’t be afraid to ask your support system for help! This can include family members, partners, friends, or even your children (if age appropriate). Letting the people around you know you need help and support is so important. As they say, raising a child takes a village. Trying to do everything on your own is overwhelming. Resolve not to be afraid to ask for help, so you are able to make time for yourself.
from nourish, move, love
Acknowledge that motherhood is hard and time consuming! Give yourself permission to care for yourself, not just to be a better mom or partner, but because you deserve to care for yourself regardless! Consider your needs and wants. Model taking care of your needs for your children, this helps them learn that mutual relationships require give and take. Once you can make this acknowledgement and give yourself the opportunity for self-care, you’ll find that you can navigate life without feeling so weighed down. Stop holding yourself to those unrealistic expectations!
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Try writing out your to-do list, just the act of writing down what needs to be done can relieve some stress. If you find your schedule is filled with items that leave you drained, evaluate those items. It’s okay to say no and add in time for yourself. Self-care is not self-indulgent and finding time is not impossible. You don’t need to carve out hours of self-care, they can be a simple 10 minutes throughout the day, doing something that is just for you. Everyone has their own definition of self-care! Make sure you’re doing the things you love during your self-care time. Looking at your schedule can help you find some flexibility and switch things around to get that much needed me time!
If you can take care of your family and friends, you can definitely find time for some self-care! Make sure to include yourself in your list of things you need to do. You can do it, you just have to be resolute about it. If you want to turn an activity that you don’t do often, into a habit you need to be consistent in doing that activity, and do it frequently.