Pool Safety Tips

Summer is here and one thing that seems to be synonymous with summer is the pool! Heading to the pool can be a great way to have fun, stay cool, and relax. However, especially with small children, pool safety should be prioritized. Today we’re going to give some great tips to help you and your little one have fun at the pool and be safe too!

from: adverticia
Adult Supervision
Whenever children are around a pool, or body of water, there should be an adult - or water watcher. This person should always keep their eyes on the kids while they are in the water, even if children are older. The water watcher should not be on a phone, drinking, or anything else that could be a distraction. Take turns as the water watcher, even if a lifeguard is on duty. Don’t rely on floaties. Floaties are fun, but it is still important to keep an eye on children as they can still drown or get hurt while wearing a floatie.

from: ny times
Follow Water Safety Rules
Make sure children know the rules around pools, you can even explain why the rules are important. Children are smart and are more willing to follow rules when they understand the reasoning behind the rules. General pool rules you can go over with your child before getting to the pool are: no running, no pushing or dunking, no diving on the side of the pool or diving board unless it is deep enough, get out of the pool in bad weather - especially if there is lightning, be aware of pool drains or suction outlets.

from: safeguard cpr
Learn CPR and First Aid
Knowing how to respond in an emergency is important, even basic CPR skills can make a huge difference.

from: active kids
Learn Swimming Skills
Make sure your child takes swimming lessons. While having swimming lessons can’t stop drowning from happening, they are beneficial and help children to be much more safe while in a pool. Every child is different, so enroll your child in swimming lessons when they are ready. Water survival skills children should learn are: getting into water over their head and returning to the surface, turning around in the water and orienting themselves to safety, float or tread water, combining breathing with forward movement in water, and exiting the water.

from: lifesaver pool
Tips Pool Owners
- If you own your own pool consider a fence that can separate the pool from your home and backyard. It may not feel “pretty” but it can help stop children from wandering into the pool accidentally or without supervision.
- Try to keep your pool covered when not in use. If your pool is above ground, remove ladders when you are not using the pool. Make sure pool covers are secure so that a child cannot slip through.
- Update your drains, or other suction areas, with a drain cover. This can help stop a child from getting stuck .
- Empty small kiddie pools after use and store them upside down, out of reach of children.
- Remove toys, floaties, etc. when you're finished in the pool, so children aren’t tempted to jump in.

from: little otter swim school
Other Tips
- Keep hair tied back or wear a swimming cap
- Make sure swimming suits fit snugly
- Apply and reapply sunscreen often
Remember, your children watch what you do, so be a good example of pool safety. Don’t forget to have fun!