Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring cleaning is a way to start fresh. As parents, it can be hard to find the time to get any kind of cleaning done. While everyone does their spring cleaning differently, we wanted to share some of our favorite tips.
a sprinkle of joy
Skip mental labor
As parents, we are busy and tired! Rather than reinventing the spring cleaning wheel, use a premade cleaning list. There are so many free cleaning lists out there that you can use. There is a high possibility for you to find a list that meets your needs. If not, print a generic list out and cross out or add what you need!
the container store
Motivate yourself
Can’t get excited to do spring cleaning? No problem! Go to the store and buy one or two items that you think are fun to include in spring cleaning. Sounds silly, but even simple things can motivate you!
calendar options
Go slow
No need to hold yourself to a high, nonexistent, standard! Spring cleaning isn’t a race and you’re not going to win an award for finishing first. You can choose just a small piece of your home to focus on per week, spring is 3 months, after all. Give yourself short amounts of time to clean, and move on with the rest of your day once you meet your time limit.
mom life today
Be okay with interruptions
As a parent, you have to know you will be interrupted in anything you do, spring cleaning is no exception. Remind yourself of this beforehand, so you aren’t angry or disappointed when your children interrupt you.
mindy jones blog
Involve your little ones
Even really little children can do small things to help with cleaning. Not only will this make the child feel included, it helps your child know that spring cleaning isn’t just a one person job. Make sure to thank your child for joining in the cleaning so they feel truly helpful.
grow therapy
Skipping IS an option
Life is busy and skipping spring cleaning for a year, or until your children are older, won’t be the end of the world!