Information to Leave With a Babysitter

Information to Leave With a Babysitter

Leaving your child with a babysitter can be easy for some or a cause of anxiety for others. It can be hard to leave your children with someone else, especially if it is the first time leaving your child. Many parents are unsure of what information should be provided to a babysitter. There isn’t a right answer, but providing information your sitter could possibly need to take care of your children can be helpful. In a worst case scenario, your sitter has important information. Best case scenario you’ve over prepared your sitter. 

from: Simplist

Contact Information

  • Your number, your partners number
    • You could also ask your sitter to put your contact information in their phone so it can be accessed quickly.
  • Basic information and location of your outing.
  • Trusted neighbors, friends, or relatives who could be contacted if they cannot reach you in an emergency.

Emergency Information

  • House fire plan
  • Police
  • Pediatrician’s office and on call emergency number 
  • Hospital
  • Poison Control
  • Home address 
    • To provide for emergency needs - or takeout
  • List of where basic items are located
    • Spare key
    • Fire extinguisher
    • First Aid kit
    • Flashlights

from: ME News

Children’s Medical Information

  • Allergies 
  • Medical conditions 
  • Medication
    • Times and dosages should be provided as well. It can also be incredibly helpful for your sitter to be present to see medication administered if it is something they are unfamiliar with. 


from: Pampers

Food Information

  • This can help your babysitter know, based on your child and their age, which food items are choking hazards for them. 
  • If you have a picky child a list of items they eat will be extremely helpful. 
  • Formula or breastmilk
    • Explanation of  how you prepare and warm formula or breastmilk for your child.



  • Bedtime routine details
    • This can be helpful for your child and sitter. Sticking to your nighttime routine, even without your presence, can help a child feel more comfortable.
    • Specific items your child requires or needs like extra clothes and pajamas, bath supplies, books or toys.
  • Activity schedule 
    • List what activities your child enjoys playing. 
    • Letting your sitter know when your children eat, go to bed, and how they do these things are important and helpful for a babysitter.  


from: Juniqe

House Rules

House rules can include many things from house to house. Some things to be clear with are:

  • Can the babysitter have friends over
  • TV or Movies that are off limits 
  • Time limits for electronics 
  • Foods that are not allowed
  • Homework information 
  • Rooms that are off limits
  • Bedtimes
  • Appliances that should not be used
  • Behavior issues and what you do or do not allow when a child misbehaves or isn’t listening. 
  • Social media
    •  Do you allow your sitter to play on their phone while they are at your  home? Do you allow them to take photos and post them of your children? You need to make your expectations clear. 

While the thought of compiling all of this information for a babysitter can feel overkill or overwhelming, it is something you can have on-hand and provide in the future. If you’re feeling anxious about leaving your child, this list can help relieve some of that anxiety. As with many of our tips, keep your family in mind and what will work best for you, your partner, and your children.