Setting a Back-to-School Routine

Summer is winding down, and we all know what that means: back-to-school is in full swing! It’s very easy to become overwhelmed when getting yourself, your children, and the whole family back into a routine for school. Preparing your child before school starts, can help the transition from summer to school more easily.
from: LeapFrog
Schedule play dates throughout the summer with friends from your child’s class. This can help your child create connections with other children they feel comfortable around, and lower nerves before school begins. Knowing they have friends they will see at school can help them be excited for school.
Routine and schedule
Make a plan for your children’s routine and schedule before school starts. Starting a routine and schedule after school starts can feel overwhelming and chaotic. Begin your routine before the summer ends so both you and your children can adapt to their schedule before school begins. Practice going through your routine and make sure you give yourself enough time to complete your morning and evening routines.
from: Rise & Dine
Morning Routine
Having a clear morning routine helps you and your children know expectations. Having the same routine, and a visual of the routine, allows children the opportunity to take on more responsibility by getting items done without being told by mom or dad. While a morning schedule might feel overwhelming at first, it will quickly become second nature for you and your children.
from: Norton Children's
Evening Routine
Having an evening routine is just as important as a morning routine. School aged children need anywhere from 8-12 hours of sleep. There are many things you can do in the evening that can help your mornings run smoother. Pack backpacks, set clothes out, check the weather, and even prepare lunches. All these things can be added on to your current bedtime routine.
from: Pennington Point
Command Center
Have a designated area for school items. This area should include a visual list of your routine and schedule. If you have smaller children, pictures of their routine can help them have a tangible idea of what they should be doing. Having your child’s school items in one place can also help prevent lost items or confusion over where items are placed.
from: No Biggie
Connections and Family Traditions
Nerves and anxiousness are normal for a child to feel before a school year. Talk with your child about the upcoming year, before it starts. Validating your child’s feelings goes a long way. They may bring up specific things they are worried about that you can work through with them. Things like: lunch at school, drop off, or pickup. Connecting with your child helps reinforce your bond with them and helps your child feel safe and valued. Another way to reinforce your schedule and routine is to use positive reinforcement each time your child finishes a task.
Heading back-to-school can be stressful and overwhelming for some. Having a plan and working it out before school starts can help reduce the stress of the new school year. Begin practicing these tips at least a week before school starts, so you and your children can ease into the transition of school. Good luck for the upcoming school year!