Sustainable Products We Love

Let’s chat about sustainability! First things first, what is sustainability? Sustainability is having your needs met without compromising the ability for others needs to be met in the future. Why use sustainable products? Using sustainable products lowers your carbon footprints and also improves supply chains by lower energy use, important ecosystems are protected, and pollution is reduced. When you use sustainable products, you’re supporting those who are committed to recycling, energy efficiency, pollution reduction, and biodegradable alternatives. Here are some of our favorite sustainable products!
Branch Basics Soap Concentrate
Branch Basics has an entire cleaning line dedicated to be human safe, plant and mineral based, fragrance free, no harmful preservatives, biodegradable, and no GMO. Their products are straightforward and easy to use! Buy the soap concentrate, mix the suggested amount of water and concentrate together and you have: hand soap, laundry detergent, glass cleaner, bathroom cleaner, and surface cleaner! Find them here: Branch Basics.
Ayla Snack Bag
Reusable bags cut down on major waste! While individually wrapped snacks are easy for on the go, spending some extra time putting snacks together in reusable snack bags can make a huge difference in the amount of waste heading to landfills. The Ayla Snack Bag is the perfect size for snacks and is easy to clean and use again and again! Find them here: Ayla Snack Bag.
Reusable Paper Towels
For homes with young kids, paper towels are used to clean up spills multiple times a day. Reusable paper towels allow you to clean up multiple spills! No wonder they are suddenly all the rage! They are generally made from highly sustainable and plastic free products. An added benefit, is once it is time to replace these, you cut them up and throw them into the compost bin! Find them here: Reusable Paper Towels.

Wool Dryer Balls
While wool dryer balls cut down on your waste, by cutting out the use of dryer sheets. Wool dryer balls also reduce the amount of time your laundry takes to dry, soften clothes, and can reduce static! Many brands of wool dryer balls can be used for up to 1000 loads of laundry! Find them here: Wool Dryer Balls.
Reusable Water Bottle
This one is a no brainer! Investing in a reusable water bottle significantly cuts down on the amount of plastic waste you are using! Reusable water bottles have become so popular, there is something out there for everyone! Find this one here: Reusable Water Bottle.
Natural Shampoo and Conditioner Bars
Switching over to a natural shampoo and conditioner can improve your hair’s overall health! The main reason to make the change is that most drugstore shampoo and conditioners are full of ingredients that can be harmful to you and the environment. Find them here: Shampoo & Conditioner Bars.
Menstrual Cup
Menstrual cups are reusable and flexible! Most period cups can hold more blood than other methods. Most cups are designed for long term use, which not only saves you money but seriously cuts down on your waste! There are so many options available and even a website dedicated to helping you figure out which period cup is best for you! Take the quiz, here. Find this one here: Menstrual Cup.
Dorai Bath Stone
This bath mat is divine! Not only does it dry instantly, it was created with diatomaceous earth, that makes it feel like natural stone! Traditional bath mats can mold and cause stinky bacteria. Dorai’s bath mat is designed to instantly remove water, helping to prevent mold! Throw those stinky bath mats out! Find them here: Bath Stone.
Making some adjustments to use more sustainable products and create more sustainable habits, just makes sense. Doing, even small changes, can improve health, increase safety, and save money. Most importantly it protects ecosystems and preserves natural resources for future generations!