Keeping Kids Active Indoors

Spring, and warm days, are just around the corner! But there are still cold days in the mix. These irregular chilly days can throw a kink in your plans. Especially when those plans involve getting outside to get moving. We’ve come up with a list of fun indoor activities to get those antsy kids wiggling!
Image: Lifetime
Kid’s Workout
There are so many workouts geared towards children, take advantage of those workouts! Youtube has a plethora of options available with a click of a button; or even ask “Alexa!” Don’t let the phrase “workout” scare you, you set the pace!
Image: The Idea Box Kids
Indoor Obstacle Course
An obstacle course is such a fun way to get your child’s wiggles out! This activity also allows you to be as creative as you’d like. Use different items you have around your house to create and use different body movements to make your way through your ultimate obstacle course.
Image: Ellicott Development
Dance Party
Turn on your favorite playlist and let loose! Freeze dances can make your dance party fun and expel pent up energy. Change it up a bit by taking turns picking the songs.
Image: Lovevery
Balloon Keep-Up
This one is so simple but so fun! Grab a balloon, blow it up, and see how long you can keep it from touching the ground. Add more balloons to make your game more challenging!
Photo: Little Day Out
Floor is Lava
Choose specific items to designate as safe areas. Move any objects that could cause injury. Pick a starting point and an ending point. Then go for it! Try your hardest to keep your body on the safe areas and work towards making it to your end point!
Image: Fatherly
Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Make a list of the items your children will be looking for, depending on the age of your child you may need to provide a little more help when it comes to the list. Next, hide those items around your home, then let your children go hunting! Make it more challenging by adding rules or setting time limits!
Photo: Aura
Movement Stations
Use different rooms in your home and assign different movements to each room. Go from room to room changing your movements to match the movements assigned to each room. Some fun movements include: crab walking, jumping jacks, balance on one leg, bear crawl, or reach and stretch.
All of these activities are simple and easy to adjust to the needs and wants of you and your child. Choose one or do them all, it’s really up to you! The idea of warm days on the horizon can cause cabin fever to get outside and get moving. With these fun activities there’s no need to let the weather hold you back! Enjoy making fun memories with your child!